Artists take a stand against plastic pollution to encourage one and all to reduce their plastic usage this Plastic Free July. Exhibited outdoors on billboards across the UK, The Netherlands, Denmark & New York’s Times Square and online in the Hedera Gallery – a 3D virtual gallery space. Click here to view the virtual exhibition from the 12th July. All the art is also up for auction to raise vital funds for plastic pollution and ocean conservation. Please bid via the virtual exhibition by clicking on the art or via the auction listings directly here. A percentage of proceeds from winning bids will be donated to the non-profit charity partner Oceanic Global. Oceanic Globals work has removed 993,746,227 single-use-plastics from entering the ocean long-term. Every £1 donated from the auction proceeds will help prevent 1KG of plastic entering the ocean.



The most used, sustainable, enterprise-grade public distributed ledger for the decentralised economy that has been described as a successor to blockchain technology. Dedicated to building a trusted and secure online word that empowers the individual, it provides increased speed, fairness, low cost and security for all who use it. A carbon negative network, Hedera Hashgraph has been cited as the greenest, most sustainable proof-of-stake digital asset by UCL Research.www.hedera.com


A new virtual space where users can have fun, view art exhibitions, buy art & NFTs, join events. Built using the most sustainable distributed ledger technology on the Hedera Network. All the art featured in the ‘Let’s live with less plastic’ exhibition is available to purchase via an online auction – raising vital funds for ocean conservation. View the exhibition by clicking here from the 8th July. Move around the exhibition by clicking on areas within it and bid on artworks by clicking on them. www.hederagallery.com


A programme of social responsibility initiatives that represent the foundations of Soho House Group in order to champion diversity & inclusion, social & environmental causes, mentorships and apprenticeships. A sustainability programme has been implemented guided by the UN Global Compact. Committed to diverting 80% of waste from landfill, incinerators & the oceans & to becoming net zero on carbon in direct operations by 2030. http://www.sohohouse.com/house-foundations


Founded in 2016, Oceanic Global (OG) is an international non-profit that sheds light on humanity’s essential relationship to the ocean and empowers individuals, communities, and industries to create positive change. Oceanic Global creates educational experiences, consults on sustainable operations and engages local communities to generate measurable impact for our collective wellbeing. Oceanic Global is based in Brooklyn, New York with International hubs & volunteer bases in New York, London, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Tulum and Hong Kong. Reflective of its global reach, the organisation has additionally produced United Nations World Oceans Day since 2019. #CareDeeply www.oceanic.global | @oceanic.global